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Climate Change Affects The Poor While The Rich Get Richer

A study has found that the effect of climate change is to send the world’s natural resources towards the wealthy nations of the northern hemisphere. The Independent reports: Climate change, it has been found, is causing important natural resources to move towards the Earth’s poles, thereby taking wealth away from the poorest nations nearest the equator. Rises in temperature are forcing fish, plants, trees and other species to move away from temperate zones towards the poles.

German Beer Industry Horrified Over Monsanto Glyphosate Contamination

The German beer industry have been left shocked at revelations that 14 of the most popular beers in Germany are contaminated with Monsanto’s carcinogenic herbicide glyphosate.  The Munich Environmental Institute (Umweltinstitut München) released the laboratory results on Thursday which showed that all 14 beers tested positive for traces of glyphosate.

Fish Test Positive For Anti-depressants & Cocaine In Puget Sound

Fish found in Washington’s Puget Sound are being intoxicated by cocaine, Prozac, Advil, Benadryl, Lipitor and more as a result of tainted discharge water.  Many drugs have shown up in the tissues of juvenile Chinook salmon. According to a new study out of the National Oceanie and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Estuary waters near the sewage treatment plants were found to contain a cocktail of up to 81 different drugs RT reports: There are several plausible theories about the Puget Sound’s high concentration of drug-infused water.

Toxic Chemicals Found In Several Tampon & Sanitary Towel Brands

Several brands of tampons and sanitary towels sold in France have been found to contain toxic chemicals. Tampax tampons and Always sanitary towels (both owned by Proctor & Gamble) are among the feminine hygiene products that may contain potentially toxic residues according to a study by 60 Millions de Consommateurs magazine. The study found traces of chemicals including dioxins and insecticides in five out of eleven products tested.
