A NASA insider has claimed that the agency are receiving numerous radio transmissions from the center of the Earth – which some experts believe may originate from an intelligent highly advanced life-form. “It’s clear that someone or something is communicating with us,” said the NASA source. “And whoever it is has the technology to send signals to the surface through hundreds of miles of soil and rock.“ Scientists first detected the signals with the aid of sophisticated satellites, and transmissions have been received at intermittent intervals ever since, the source said. He said the transmissions are in the form of a complex mathematical code, further convincing scientists that they are in touch with a colony of beings whose intelligence far outstrips ours. The source at NASA said scientists had little trouble decoding the messages, but he steadfastly refused to disclose their contents. “I wouldn’t say the transmissions were of a hostile nature, but their contents could be a source of concern and controversy,” he said. “Since so much depends upon interpretation, I think it’s wise to let the experts wrestle with this one for a while before releasing any information that might unnecessarily alarm the public.” The source said scientists are frustrated [...]