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Thirteen Bald Eagles Found Mysteriously Dead

Thirteen bald eagles were found dead in Maryland this weekend in what officials are calling off the largest single die-off of bald eagles in 30 years.  The mysterious deaths were spotted near a farm on Maryland’s Eastern Shore by a man at 2:30pm on Saturday who was out looking for deer antlers. reports: It was not immediately clear what had caused the birds to die, but there were “no obvious signs of trauma with these birds,” according to Candy Thomson, a natural resources police spokeswoman. “A working theory is poisoning,” Thomson said Monday night.

The Fukushima Disaster Is Much Worse Than You Are Being Told

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster will go down in history as one of the worst nuclear meltdowns in history – as authorities and media grossly underreport the extent of the damage.  Official reports say that 9,000,000 cubic metres of radioactive waste has been stored in black bags as a result of the disaster (imagine 270 million cardboard book boxes, end-to-end, encircling the world – that’s the amount of nuclear waste being reported here). However, according to estimates, there is another 13,000,000 cubic metres of radioactive soil yet to be accounted for.

The Under-Reporting of Fukushima

The Under-Reporting of Fukushima

We are assured that “nuclear power is safe,” and some environmentalists classify nuclear power as green. Fukushima is a massive problem for these spurious claims.

Consider also that in the event of nuclear war, which would knock out power, each nuclear power plant would be converted into a nuclear bomb as the cooling system would cease to function.

If you are an insane person and think nuclear war can be won, you need to read this:

Japan: Nuclear Reactor Leaking Radioactive Water Amid Nationwide Restart

A radioactive water leak has halted plans to re-start a reactor at a the Takahama nuclear power plant in western Japan. The leak comes amid a push to restart reactors after the catastrophic meltdown at Fukushima five years ago and would would have been the fourth to come online after a nationwide shutdown. Yahoo News reports: Kansai Electric Power said some 34 litres (8.8 gallons) of cooling water containing radioactive substances leaked out from the reactor at its Takahama plant 380 kilometres (236 miles) west of Tokyo.

The Great Fukushima Cover-Up Exposed

Japanese citizens have been kept in dark about the Fukushima disaster and the extremely high levels of radiation currently destroying their health – claims nuclear expert, Linda Pentz Gunter.  Gunter says that the government in Japan are deliberately covering-up the magnitude of radiation poisoning in the country – which she says are twenty times above ‘safe levels’. reports: Soon, many Fukushima refugees will be forced to return home to endure damaging levels of radiation. Dr.
