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Scientists Detect Radiation Leak At Florida Nuclear Power Plant

High levels of radiation have been found in water near a nuclear power plant in Miami, Florida – a study released by the Mayor’s office reveals.  Water samplings from December and January have found 215 times higher than usual tritium levels in water near the Turkey Point nuclear power plant, and authorities have admitted that they aren’t yet sure whether this poses an immediate risk to members of the public. reports: The study comes two weeks after a Tallahassee judge ordered the utility and the state to clean up the nuclear plant’s cooling canals after concluding that they had caused a massive underground saltwater plume to migrate west, threatening a wellfield that supplies drinking water to the Florida Keys. The judge also found the state failed to address the pollution by crafting a faulty management plan. This latest test, critics say, raise new questions about what they’ve long suspected: That canals that began running too hot and salty the summer after FPL overhauled two reactors to produce more power could also be polluting the bay. “How much damage is that cooling canal system causing the bay is a question to be answered,” said Everglades Law Center attorney Julie Dick, who had [...]