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Florida Declares Public Health Emergency Over Zika Virus

Gov. Rick Scott declared a public health emergency in four counties on Wednesday after at least nine cases of the mosquito-borne Zika virus were detected in Florida. Health officials say that they believe all of the cases are from people who contracted the disease while traveling to affected countries. “We have to ensure Florida is prepared and stays ahead of the spread of the Zika virus in our state,” Scott said in a statement.

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Takes Exceptional Selfie On Mars

NASA is encouraging its Mars Exploration Rovers to send Selfies back to earth using their built-in sticks. Sputnik reports: The Mars rover Curiosity snapped a glorious self-portrait from its location on the surface of the red planet during its ongoing mission. The image depicts the car-size mobile lab surrounded by dark brown sand. The selfie, comprised of 57 separate photographs, was taken by the Mars Hand Lens Imager camera on January 19 while the rover was exploring the Namib Dune, digging into the sand for samples.

UN Atomic Agency Suggests Nuclear Radiation To Fight Zika Mosquitos

The U.N. atomic agency said on Tuesday that rendering male mosquitoes infertile by exposing them to nuclear radiation could help reduce populations of the insect carrying the Zika virus What could possible go wrong? RT reports: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said the so-called Sterile Insect Technology (SIT) can help tackle the outbreak which has been declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Brazil: Zika Virus Worse Than We Realized – “There Are No Symptoms”

One of Brazil’s most senior health officials has admitted that the Zika virus outbreak is much worse than originally believed, due to the fact that most patients display no symptoms.  Health Minister Marcelo Castro said that Brazil will begin mandatory reporting of all cases by local government next week when most laboratories will have more up-to-date testing facilities. Yahoo News reports: On Monday, the World Health Organization declared the Zika outbreak to be a global emergency, a decision that should help fast-track international action and research priorities.
