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Here’s How to Deal With Overpopulation

Via The Daily Bell

Anytime someone in an elite or powerful position starts saying the population is too high we should get worried. You can bet it isn’t their friends and family that they are talking about overpopulating the Earth.

Of course, they are talking about people whom they consider peasants. Definitely me, and probably you too. We are the ones crowding this little planet, and we are the ones whose carbon footprint they say is a problem. Nevermind that the elites burn more carbon flying to their global warming conferences than I use in a year.

Norway's Oil Sector Faces Existential Crisis

Norway's Oil Sector Faces Existential Crisis

Authored by Tsvetana Paraskova via,

Oil companies have recently focused on frontier exploration drilling in the Barents Sea offshore in Norway, neglecting the powerhouse of the Norwegian oil industry, the North Sea.

Exploration activity in the North Sea - the most mature area of Western Europe’s biggest oil producer - is at an 11-year low this year, which is a concern for the industry’s regulator, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD).

China Unveils "Magic" Island-Building Ship On Eve Of Trump Arrival

China Unveils "Magic" Island-Building Ship On Eve Of Trump Arrival

In a move that appears to validate Joint Chiefs Of Staff Chairman Joseph Dunford’s concerns about China’s strategy of slowly expanding its territorial and military footprint in the Pacific, the Chinese government unveiled on Sunday a “magical” island-building ship on the eve of Donald Trump’s visit in a move likely to renew fears about its claims to territory in the South China Sea, the Financial Times reported.

Trump Administration Issues Report Concluding That Climate Change Is Real And Man-Made

Trump Administration Issues Report Concluding That Climate Change Is Real And Man-Made

"This assessment concludes, based on extensive evidence, that it is extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century. For the warming over the last century, there is no convincing alternative explanation supported by the extent of the observational evidence.:

           - from "Highlights of the Findings of the U.S. Global Change Research Program Climate Science Special Report", Nov. 3 2017

Another Monsanto Pesticide Draws Fire As Farmers Break Out In Rashes

Another Monsanto Pesticide Draws Fire As Farmers Break Out In Rashes

Poor Monsanto just can't catch a break these days. 

Just yesterday we noted that Monsanto's RoundUp replacement, Dicamba, was causing outrage in the ag community as state regulators all across the country were suddenly being flooded with reports from farmers saying the product is increasingly becoming airborne and killing crops far away from the fields where they were actually applied.  Ironically, farmers don't like their livelihood being wiped out by a neighbor's spray drift...go figure.
