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Is Ethereum About To Unseat Amazon Cloud?

Is Ethereum About To Unseat Amazon Cloud?

Ethereum investors have been eagerly awaiting more news about the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, the enterprise platform that’s supposed to transform Ethereum into the Amazon Web Services (AWS) of the future. The announcement of the co-venture between several of the largest US tech companies coincided with the beginning of a massive runup in the value of Ethereum. Some have speculated that enabling the Ethereum network to process a million transactions a second could potentially boost the value of ether tokens past $2,000 a coin. They’re currently trading at $290.

Russia Launches $100 Million Bitcoin-Mining Operation

Russia Launches $100 Million Bitcoin-Mining Operation

In what some have called a “watershed” moment for bitcoin, Bloomberg reports that a company co-owned by an aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin is seeking to expand Russia’s bitcoin-mining industry, leveraging Russia's cheap energy to rival China as the world’s largest mining market.

The company, known as Russian Miner Coin, or RMC, is seeking to raise $100 million in an initial coin offering, promising buyers a right to 18% of the company’s mining revenue, according to a presentation cited by Bloomberg.

Putin Meets With Ethereum Founder To Create National Virtual Currency

Putin Meets With Ethereum Founder To Create National Virtual Currency

Two weeks ago, in our latest comparison of Bitcoin and its up and coming competitor, Ethereum, we said "step aside bitcoin, there is a new blockchain kid in town." Actually, we said that for the first time back in February when Ethereum was still trading in the low teens (the return on ETH since then is roughly 3000%), but the most recent glance provided some perspective on where the competition between the two largest cryptocurrencies may culminate, because according to at least two venture capitalists, the market cap of Ethereum - currently roughly $35 bilion - and whose share of the mark