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What Happens To Iran's Oil Exports If Sanctions Are Renewed: Goldman Explains

What Happens To Iran's Oil Exports If Sanctions Are Renewed: Goldman Explains

President Trump is poised to announce over the coming days, that the landmark Iran nuclear agreement is no longer in the national interest of the United States. While the so-called “decertification” would not be the fatal blow to the Iran deal that Trump promised on the campaign trail, it would kick the issue back to Congress, which could potentially pull out of the deal entirely.

SDR: The New Global Currency

SDR: The New Global Currency

By Chris at


Hi there,

I've been hearing a lot from private bankers lately (they're always trying to flog you product), though the topic being discussed amongst themselves is that of the SDR going mainstream, and they've been asking my opinion.

We don't have to look far to understand why.

Martin Armstrong Warns "Spain Is The Blueprint For How All Governments Will Act"

Martin Armstrong Warns "Spain Is The Blueprint For How All Governments Will Act"

Authored by Martin Armstrong via,

What is going on in Spain is the blueprint what what other governments will do.

The Spanish people themselves outside of Catalonia are deeply divided.

Many see the Catalan vote as offensive and yet others see the government as offensive.

Schäuble: Another Financial Crisis Is Coming Due To Spiraling Global Debt, "New Bubbles"

Schäuble: Another Financial Crisis Is Coming Due To Spiraling Global Debt, "New Bubbles"

Following the disappointing for Angela Merkel and her CDU German election results, which propelled the populist AfD into Germany's political establishment with 92 members of parliament, the first casualty was Germany's finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, who in a few days will relinquish his long-held post and move on to the ceremonial role of Bundestag president.

Spain's Rajoy Ready To Trigger "Nuclear Option" As Hundreds Of Thousands Protest Against Independence In Barcelona

Spain's Rajoy Ready To Trigger "Nuclear Option" As Hundreds Of Thousands Protest Against Independence In Barcelona

One week after the historic Catalan Independence Referendum vote reopened Europe's populist Pandora Box of nationalist secession movements, tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Catalonia’s capital Barcelona on Sunday to express their opposition to any declaration of independence from Spain, which according to Reuters showed "how divided the region is on the issue."
