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Italy Threatens EU With "Nuclear Option": Give 200,000 Migrants EU Visas, Sending Them North

Italy Threatens EU With "Nuclear Option": Give 200,000 Migrants EU Visas, Sending Them North

Two weeks after Italy reacted with anger to Austria's deployment of troops and armored vehicles to the border between the two nations, while reactivating border controls at the Brenner Pass over concerns that Italy will be unable to handle the roughly 85,000 migrants and refugees who have entered the country so far in 2017, the Italian government has threatened to retaliate in way that assures an imminent migrant crisis as well as an escalation of tensions between the two EU nations.

A Bearish Citi Warns "Bigger Forces Are At Play", Pointing To Its 'Chart Of The Week'

A Bearish Citi Warns "Bigger Forces Are At Play", Pointing To Its 'Chart Of The Week'

Over the next three weeks, the investing world will shift its attention away from the endless chatter of central bankers and concerns about the state of the economy, and instead focus on second quarter earning season, which launched on Friday with results from the three biggest US banks which showed that chronically low volatility is anything but good for trading revenues (as Jamie Dimon made all too clear in a bizarre Friday rant). As previewed last week, and is the norm, we get most of the US numbers first, followed by Europe and then Japan.
