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Globalists Are Building An Army Of Millennials To Destroy Sovereignty

Globalists Are Building An Army Of Millennials To Destroy Sovereignty

Authored by Brandon Smith via,

Back in October of 2016 I covered an issue which I have been very concerned with for over a year now. In an article titled Global Elites Are Getting Ready To Blame You For The Coming Financial Crash, I outlined the basis for my belief that Donald Trump would win the U.S. election and why the U.K. Brexit was allowed to meet with success. Here is a quote from that article to give you a general sense of my position:

Here Are The Seven "Black Swans" SocGen Believes Could Shock Global Markets

Here Are The Seven "Black Swans" SocGen Believes Could Shock Global Markets

As part of its periodic Global Economic Outlook, SocGen traditionally includes a discussion of what it views are the biggest "black swans" both to the upside and the downside, and the latest just released edition titled "On a Plateau", which took a rather grim outlook to the world economy predicting that a US recession will likely hit in the not too distant future while "China, South Korea, Australia, US, Germany, UK and Japan are in the more mature phase of the cycle", and that current global growth is "essentially as good as it gets"...

... was no different. 
