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Donald Trump's Saudi Speech: Full Transcript

Some analyst, such as Beacon Advsiros, expected a diplomatic scandal as a worst case scenario outcome from Trump's keynote speech at the Arab Islamic American Summit in Saudi Arabia. That did not happen, and instead Trump delivered a speech that many pundits on both sides of the aisle said was better than expected, even if in a very strict sense.

Clocking in at just over 3,400 words, here is a full transcript of what Trump told Saudi Arabia and the world on Sunday afternoon.

Ebola Spreading: Infections Up 800% In Last Week, Officials Race To Track Down 400 Possible Contacts

Ebola Spreading: Infections Up 800% In Last Week, Officials Race To Track Down 400 Possible Contacts

Authored by Mac Slavco via,

Last week three suspected Ebola infections were detected in a remote region of the Congo. Since then, World Health Organization officials have been scrambling to contain the virus.

Their efforts appear to have failed.

The contagion continues to spread, and though it’s nowhere near the 11,000 people who were infected during the outbreak in 2014, the infection rate has spiked over 800% in just the last seven days, with at least nine new cases reported in the last 24 hours:
