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Only One Step Away From A Global Trade War

Only One Step Away From A Global Trade War

Submitted by Valentin Katasonov via,

The financial crisis of 2007-2009 effectively terminated the process of globalization. In 2015 world trade suddenly dropped by more than 10% for the first time since 2009. Nothing like this has been seen since the Great Depression of the 1930s. But some politicians, public figures, scholars, and journalists continue to talk about globalization as an «objective» and «progressive» process, even though it has already ended.

Oil Fades From OPEC Exuberance On Fund Flows, Storage, & Contango Concerns

Oil Fades From OPEC Exuberance On Fund Flows, Storage, & Contango Concerns

The overnight exuberance in crude oil futures markets has faded notably as the day has worn on. While news of supply cuts are unquestionably bullish (should one choose to believe it or not, remember the Saudis admission "we tend to cheat"), but the last few days have also seen a plethora of bearish-biased news that for now is being ignored.

The excitement is fading...


Eurozone Day Of Reckoning Coming Soon: Showdown Between Italy And Germany Looms

Eurozone Day Of Reckoning Coming Soon: Showdown Between Italy And Germany Looms

Submitted by Michale Shedlock via,

The eurozone cannot survive without Italy. The serious problem at the moment is the Eurozone also cannot survive with Italy.

Two of Italy’s three largest parties are anti-Euro. The only party in Italy that does support the euro is ex-prime minister Matteo Renzi’s Democratic Party. And with Renzi gone, there’s a huge risk the party splinters.
