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EU Threatens “Action” If Facebook Doesn’t Censor Alt. Media Immediately

The EU has threatened social media giants such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube with immediate “action” unless they remove subversive posts within 24 hours.  Earlier in 2016, all the major social media giants agreed to a European “code of conduct” pledge, promising to remove “hate speech” from their platforms when they become aware of it. They also agreed to promote pro-European narratives and suppress anything deemed “subversive”.

Italian Government Prepares To Nationalize Monte Paschi

Italian Government Prepares To Nationalize Monte Paschi

The wait is almost over.

After two previous taxpayer funded bailouts, and nearly five months of foreplay since the third largest Italian bank failed the latest European stress test at the end of July, in which the Italian government in September vow that "bailout for Italian banks has been 'absolutely' ruled out", a third bailout, as we previewed earlier today, is now imminent.
