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Trumpflation Takes A Breather As Global Stocks Rise, Oil Jumps On Renewed OPEC "Deal Optimism"

Trumpflation Takes A Breather As Global Stocks Rise, Oil Jumps On Renewed OPEC "Deal Optimism"

With the Trumpflation euphoria easing back slightly overnight, leading to a modest paring in the USD index and US Treasury yields, Asian and European stocks rose, while US equity futures rebounded to just shy of new all time highs, as crude jumped on renewed optimism that OPEC will agree to cut output; Italian equities underperformed ahead of the Italian referendum; metals rebounded from last week’s losses as yields dropped and the dollar halted its longest winning streak versus the euro.

Wolfgang Schäuble Resorts To Threats And Extortion Over Brexit

Wolfgang Schäuble Resorts To Threats And Extortion Over Brexit

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via,

German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble warns the UK faces stiff rules on tax breaks and prolonged EU payments.

Such threats are nothing more than an extortion attempt by the EU on the UK.

Schäuble’s threats are laughable because they are unenforceable, yet extremely serious because of likely end results.


Beppe Grillo: "The Amateurs Are Conquering The World Because The 'Experts' Destroyed It"

Despite Italian Prime Minister Mateo Renzi's solemn denials that he will resign when, not if, the Italian constitutional referendum fails on December 4, it is now obvious that the Italian government is on the verge of collapse. And in yet another U-turn Renzi admitted as much himself, when according to La Repubblica, he told his entourage this weekend that the government would fall if he loses Dec. 4 constitutional referendum. “It’s very simple: if I lose the referendum this government falls.
