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Britain Rejects Trump's Call To Make Nigel Farage US Ambassador

Britain Rejects Trump's Call To Make Nigel Farage US Ambassador

In his latest surprising tweet on Monday evening, Donald Trump revealed an unprecedented expression of support for Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage - whom he met after his election victory before any other EU leaders - to be made British ambassador to Washington, saying "many people would like to see Nigel Farage represent Great Britain as their Ambassador to the United States. He would do a great job!."

State Department Warns US Citizens Of "Heightened Risk Of Terorrist Attacks In Europe" During Holiday Season

State Department Warns US Citizens Of "Heightened Risk Of Terorrist Attacks In Europe" During Holiday Season

The State Department issued an alert on Monday to US citizens traveling to Europe about a “heightened risk of terrorist attacks,” particularly over the holiday season. “Have an emergency plan of action ready,” the US urged according to NBC.

"Credible information indicates the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL the U.S. gov't acronym for ISIS or Da'esh), al-Qaeda, and their affiliates continue to plan terrorist attacks in Europe, with a focus on the upcoming holiday season and associated events," the travel advisory read.

S&P Set To Open At All Time High, Boosted By Rising Crude On More "OPEC Deal Optimism"

S&P Set To Open At All Time High, Boosted By Rising Crude On More "OPEC Deal Optimism"

European and Asian stocks rose after the early scare from the latest Fukushima quake dissipated when all Tsunami warnings were cancelled. The global risk on mood was spurred by another jump in crude, which was up 1% in early trading, with the commodity complex now enjoying its biggest three-day rally since May, after Nigeria signaled optimism that OPEC will agree a supply-cut deal next week in Vienna. S&P futures are up 0.3%, with the cash index set to open at new record highs.

Schadenfreude and the New York Times

I am just back from Europe, where the Germans are preparing to sing a Christmas favorite, the “Make America Great Again” version of which goes: O Schadenfreude, O Schadenfreude, Du bringst ein schoen November. Which means, roughly: O Schadenfreude, O Schadenfreude, Thanks, pal, for the election result.

It’s a result that has made it fun to read the New York Times—at least for a while.
