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US Tax Cut and Rate Hikes Threaten China Currency

US Tax Cut and Rate Hikes Threaten China Currency

Authored by Valentin Schmid via The Epoch Times,

Seven was the line in the sand.

But the Chinese yuan never crossed that line vis-à-vis the U.S. dollar. It only crept up to 6.96 yuan per dollar on Dec. 16, 2016, before starting an impressive comeback, down to 6.5 in the middle of this year.

Last year was a bad one for the Chinese economy. Growth was slow, and the world was worried China would finally land the hard way, as many have been predicting for years.

The West Proves That Poland's Loyalty Was Worthless

The West Proves That Poland's Loyalty Was Worthless

Authored by Andrew Korybko via Oriental Review,

Poland, one of the most loyal EU members, was just stabbed in the back by Brussels after the bloc initiated punitive Article 7 proceedings against it, proving that Warsaw’s unwavering loyalty to the West was worthless this entire time and thus giving Poles a reason to reconsider whether it’s time that they attempted to restore their long-lost Great Power status in Europe.

Zuesse: Americans Are Only Now Beginning To Learn They Live In A Dictatorship

Zuesse: Americans Are Only Now Beginning To Learn They Live In A Dictatorship

Authored by Eric Zuesse via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

The first time when it became clear to me that I live in a dictatorship was in 2014 when reading, prior to its publication, the landmark (and still the only) scientific empirical study to address the question as to whether or not the United States federal Government is, authentically, a democracy — or, whether, alternatively, it's instead more of a dictatorship, than a democracy.

This study documented conclusively that America's Government is the latter.
