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A Currency War That Europe And Japan Can't Afford To Lose

A Currency War That Europe And Japan Can't Afford To Lose

Submitted by John Rubino via,

The dollar is tanking lately - apart from today's biggest jump in 2 months. From a high of around 100 in December, the dollar index — which measures USD against a basket of foreign currencies — is down about 8%, and the decline is steepening. In counterintuitive currency war terms, that means the US is winning the latest battle.

Tony Blair & Bill Clinton Joining Forces Against Brexit

Former US President Bill Clinton and former British prime minister PM Tony Blair are to join forces to fight against a possible British exit from the European Union. Mrs Clinton has already waded into the Brexit debate and thrown her weight behind President Obama who also advises that Britain should remain within the EU Mr Clinton is understood to be preparing a return to Britain to campaign with Tony Blair against Brexit.

There's Only One 'Honest' Position On Obama-Trade - Kill It

There's Only One 'Honest' Position On Obama-Trade - Kill It

Submitted by Constantin Gurdgiev via True Economics blog,

In a recent op-ed in FT, Wolfgang Mu?nchau raised a very valid point that globalisation, free trade and markets liberalisation do produce both winners and losers. Nothing new here. But the key point is that this realisation must be timed / juxtaposed against political and social realities on the ground...

Quoting from Mu?nchau (emphasis is mine):

"We Expect A Sizeable Sell-Off" - One Hedge Fund's Four Mega-Bearish Trades

From our friends at Fasanara Capital we get their latest contrarian - and very bearish - Investment Outlook, which can be summarized as follows: "Reflation Phase To Be Temporary, More Downside Ahead", and which also contains four key conviction trade ideas over the next 12 months.

This is what fund manager Francesco Filia cautions about the market over the next year:
