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One Angry Trader Rages..."Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong...Go Wrong...Go Wrong"

One Angry Trader Rages..."Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong...Go Wrong...Go Wrong"

As stocks do things they have never done before (in terms of gains and complacency), despite the "inexplicable" collapse in the yield curve (and slump in earnigs expectations), some, like former fund manager Richard Breslow, are growing frustrated with the farce.

2017 is on track to be the first 'perfect year' with 12 consecutive monthly total return gains for the S&P 500

But the yield curve is collapsing?

And so have earnings expectations...

Global Stocks Rise To Record Highs As Tax Reform Is "Priced In" All Over Again

Global Stocks Rise To Record Highs As Tax Reform Is "Priced In" All Over Again

Yesterday we joked that with the US House of Representatives set to vote for the GOP tax bill on Tuesday, markets would "price in" the same tax legislation they have been pricing in every day for the past year, all over again...

Merkel's Last Stand - Article 7 For Poland

Merkel's Last Stand - Article 7 For Poland

Authored by Tom Luongo,

As she fights for her political life Soon-to-be-ex-Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel will go down swinging against her stiffest political opponents in the European Union, the Poles.

Merkel and French President Emmanual Macron publicly agreed to back Article 7 proceedings against Poland for refusing to comply with EU immigration quotas and changes to its judicial system.
