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EU Could Scrap "Divisive & Ineffective" Refugee Quota Scheme

EU Could Scrap "Divisive & Ineffective" Refugee Quota Scheme

The Guardian reports that EU could scrap a divisive scheme that compels member states to accept quotas of refugees, one of the bloc’s most senior leaders will say this week.

The president of the European council, Donald Tusk, will tell EU leaders at a summit on Thursday that mandatory quotas have been divisive and ineffective, in a clear sign that he is ready to abandon the policy that has created bitter splits across the continent.

Jim Grant: "Markets Trust Too Much In The Presence Of Central Banks"

Jim Grant: "Markets Trust Too Much In The Presence Of Central Banks"

Authored by Christoph Gisiger via Finanz und Wirtschaft,

James Grant, Wall Street expert and editor of the renowned investment newsletter «Grant’s Interest Rate Observer», warns of the unseen consequences of super low interest rate and questions the extraordinary actions of the Swiss National Bank.

Nearly ten years after the financial crisis, extraordinary monetary policy has become the norm.


Five European Nations Issue Warning To America On Tax Reform

Five European Nations Issue Warning To America On Tax Reform

First it was the Chinese, now it’s the Europeans, as the rest of the world is suddenly very unhappy with the prospect of US tax reform (or maybe it is an unexpectedly strong US economy). As we discussed yesterday, with the historic Trump tax reforms on the verge of passage and the Fed’s dot plot signalling another 7-8 rate hikes (soon to be revised much lower), China is nervous that the capital outflows, which it thought it had bottled up, might be about to return.

Congress Expands Uranium One Probe After Senator Claims Obama Admin Misled Him Over Yellowcake Exports

Congress Expands Uranium One Probe After Senator Claims Obama Admin Misled Him Over Yellowcake Exports

Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) is turning up the heat on the Uranium One investigation, demanding documents from both the Energy Department and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in a Monday letter to both entities. Barrasso wants to find out if he was intentionally misled by the Obama administration about Uranium One being able to export yellowcake uranium out of the United States after the company was acquired by Russia. 

Rep. John Barrasso (R-WY)

Barrasso writes: 
