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NATO Commander Says Russia Poses ‘Existential Threat’

NATO Supreme Commander Philip Breedlove has accused Russia of deliberately becoming an adversary of the West, and has warned that Russia poses an “existential threat” to the U.S. and the Western world.  U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter added fuel to the fire by accusing Russia of intimidating its neighbours, saying that he doubts Moscow is committed to strategic stability on nuclear weapons. Both of these anti-Russian views were given by Carter and Breedlove in testimony before two congressional committees on February 25, reflecting the growing anti-Russian mood in Washington and Europe.

Stocks Stumble After Best Gains Since 2014's Bullard Bounce

The week explained...


Stocks extend gains this week - now the best 2-weeks since Bullard's Oct 2014 lows... BULLARD 2 - 0 REALITY


But ended on a weak note...


Futures give us a glimpse of the sudden buying panic into Europe's Open/China's close, selling at US Open on the "good" news... Weak close...


Even though Trannies and Small Caps gained on the day (more squeezes)...


The Donald's Odds Against Hillary

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

In a Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump race – which, the Beltway keening aside, seems the probable outcome of the primaries – what are the odds the GOP can take the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court?

If Republicans can unite, not bad, not bad at all.

Undeniably, Democrats open with a strong hand.
