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Afghan Refugee Takes Class On "How To Behave With Women", Promptly Rapes Belgian Woman

Afghan Refugee Takes Class On "How To Behave With Women", Promptly Rapes Belgian Woman

As we reported earlier today, European officials have essentially put an expiration date on the EU as we know it. It’s 10 days from now.

That’s when a team from Brussels will convene a summit with Turkey to discuss a coordinated response to the refugee crisis that threatens to plunge the bloc into “anarchy” (to quote Jean Asselborn, Luxembourg's foreign minister). As the weather starts to improve, Europe fears even more asylum seekers will attempt to make the journey, straining Schengen to the breaking point.

Western Peoples Are Being Re-Enserfed

Western Peoples Are Being Re-Enserfed

Following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, free farmers were defenceless in the face of Viking, Magyar, and Saracen raiders. The need for protection led to the enserfment of free people who accepted the suzerainty of those able to provide walled defenses and armed fighters to ward off attacks. As time passed, the attacks ceased but the feudal arrangements persisted, and the system became exploitative.

New Book Reveals Beethoven Was Actually Black

In the 15th and 16th century history underwent a huge campaign of misinformation and deception. Caught up in the wave of the history books being re-written was the true identity of Ludwig van Beethoven.  One of Europe’s greatest classical music composers was, in fact, of African decent. Beethoven was a black man. His mother was a Moor, a group of Muslim Africans who conquered parts of Europe -making Spain their capital for 800 years. reports: In order to make such a substantial statement, presentation of verifiable evidence is compulsory.

EU Warns Migration System Might ‘Completely Break Down’ In 10 Days

The EU Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos has issued a stark warning on the future of Europe – saying that the bloc’s migration system may “completely break down” in just 10 days time by March 7, unless Europe seriously curb the number of migrants entering. “In the next 10 days, we need tangible and clear results on the ground. Otherwise there is a risk that the whole system will completely break down,” Avramopoulos warned a press conference.

NATO Prepare To ‘Fight And Win’ War Against Russia

A US Commander has said that he believes NATO are prepared to “fight and win” a war against Russia in the very near future. US European Command (EUCOM) and NATO are ramping up their efforts to expand their military presence on Russia’s borders, US Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Philip Breedlove said on Thursday. Russia have warned that the increased military presence constitutes provocation towards war.
