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EU Warns Migration System Might ‘Completely Break Down’ In 10 Days

The EU Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos has issued a stark warning on the future of Europe – saying that the bloc’s migration system may “completely break down” in just 10 days time by March 7, unless Europe seriously curb the number of migrants entering. “In the next 10 days, we need tangible and clear results on the ground. Otherwise there is a risk that the whole system will completely break down,” Avramopoulos warned a press conference.

NATO Prepare To ‘Fight And Win’ War Against Russia

A US Commander has said that he believes NATO are prepared to “fight and win” a war against Russia in the very near future. US European Command (EUCOM) and NATO are ramping up their efforts to expand their military presence on Russia’s borders, US Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Philip Breedlove said on Thursday. Russia have warned that the increased military presence constitutes provocation towards war.

Albert Edwards Is In Love With This Asset That Hasn't Had A Losing Year Since 2007

Albert Edwards Is In Love With This Asset That Hasn't Had A Losing Year Since 2007

Albert Edwards is in love, but what makes it somewhat awkward is that the object of his affection is not living flesh and blood but a major asset, one which he calls "probably the most fantastic investment of the last decade", and one which so many others have called the "widowmaker" for the simple reason that they have shorted it, shorted it again, and shorted it some more, only to always lose money because as their adversary that have the most irrational, most childish and most desperate central bank in the world: the Bank of Japan.

"We Are Heading Into Anarchy": Official Says EU Will "Completely Break Down In 10 Days"

"We Are Heading Into Anarchy": Official Says EU Will "Completely Break Down In 10 Days"

Norwegian PM Erna Solberg doesn’t want to have to skirt her country’s responsibilities under the Geneva Convention and she doesn’t want to trample over human rights either, but she will if she has to.

"It is a force majeure proposals which we will have in the event that it all breaks down,” Solberg said, in an interview with Berlingske, describing new measures she believes Norway may have to take if Sweden buckles under the weight of the refugee influx which saw some 163,000 asylum seekers inundate the country last year.
