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French President Threatens To "Suspend" Nations That Elect "Far-Right" Polticians

French President Threatens To "Suspend" Nations That Elect "Far-Right" Polticians

Last month, we documented the burgeoning spat between Brussels and Poland over the latter’s move to approve new laws that allow the conservative (and eurosceptic) Law and Justice (PiS) government to name the chiefs of public TV and radio, and select judges for Poland's constitutional court.

In response to a bloc-wide backlash, Polish minister Zbigniew Ziobro sent a letter to EU commissioner Gunther Oettinger in which Ziobro dismissed criticism of the new laws as “silly.”

Germany's Looming Demographic Cliff

Germany's Looming Demographic Cliff

Having shown that the world is turning Japanese with tales of economic malaise, extreme monetary policy, and negative rates, Visual Capitalist's Jeff Desjardins shows that Germany, with its 5-yr government bond currently trading at a -0.33% yield, is no exception to this story. However, negative yields are not the only concern that the country has in common with Japan.

Three New Postings

Three New Postings:

Propaganda Works — Gallup Poll Finds Americans Prefer Terrorists To Iran

One Must Be Blind Not To Realise That Russia Is Defending Europe In Syria

Corporations Make Profits By Imposing Their Costs On Others

Cameron Unleashes 'Project Fear' - UK Military Leaders Warn Against Brexit Threat To National Security

Just as the government did in the lead up to The Scottish Referendum in 2014, it appears David Cameron is already unleashing resorting to the so-called Project Fear. As The Telegraph reports, following Boris Johnson's lack of acquiescence to Cameron's call for no Brexit, more than a dozen of the country's most senior military leaders will argue that Britain should vote to stay in the European Union because of its importance to national security.
