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Deutsche Bank: "Markets Are Crying Out For A Circuit Breaker", But There Is A Problem

Having been at the forefront of the recent collapse in core European bank stock prices, Deutsche Bank has - as we first reported last weekend - been 'crying uncle' but not in a way most would expect: instead of begging for more central bank easing, DB told the ECB (and BOJ) to stop easing as negative rates and more excess liquidity, are crushing it. This is why central banks are trapped, because they are damned if they don't ease any more with the global economy on the edge of recession, and damned if they ease further, pushing bank default risk even higher.

Despite Crashing Japan, European, U.S. Markets Rebound On Firmer Oil

There was some hope in early Japanese trading that after a seemingly endless rout in the USDJPY, which has seen the Yen surge the most in the past two weeks since the 1998 Asian crisis, the BOJ would intervene, if not via policy where it has botched things up beyond repair then directly by selling Yen on the tape: the reason for this is not only yesterday's direct intervention that sent the USDJPY soaring by over 150 pips briefly, but also after a report that Finance Ministry’s FX chief Masatsugu Asakawa met deputy chief cabinet secretary to discuss market issues; this was followed by a mee

No End to War in Sight

If you believed America’s longest war, in Afghanistan, was coming to an end, be advised: It is not.

Departing U.S. commander Gen. John Campbell says there will need to be U.S. boots on the ground “for years to come.” Making good on President Obama’s commitment to remove all U.S. forces by next January, said Campbell, “would put the whole mission at risk.”

Liberty Activists And ISIS Will Soon Be Treated As Identical Threats

Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

Many of us saw it coming a long time ago — increasing confrontation between liberty proponents and the corrupt federal establishment leading to increasing calls by political elites and bureaucrats to apply to American citizens the terrorism countermeasures designed for foreign combatants. It was only a matter of time and timing.

German Government Urge Citizens To Embrace Migrant Crisis

Germany have begun an aggressive advertising campaign urging citizens to overcome their supposed “dark side” and embrace the current migrant crisis engulfing Europe.  The propaganda billboards say, “Germany, stay strong! With humanity towards your dark side” and “Against Hate & baiting – no ifs or buts”. reports: The text is written over a German flag dripping with black paint.
