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Zika Virus Arrives In Europe, One Hospitalized

The deadly Zika virus has arrived in Europe, hospitalising one person in Denmark who tested positive for the mosquito-borne virus.  Italy, Spain, the UK, and Switzerland have also confirmed that several people have been tested positive with the disease. reports: A Danish tourist contracted the virus while traveling through South and Central America, where Zika is spreading now. The patient is now being treated at the University hospital in Aarhus, Denmark’s second-largest city.

Futures Slide On Apple Disappointment, Oil Slumps Ahead Of Fed Decision

Futures Slide On Apple Disappointment, Oil Slumps Ahead Of Fed Decision

While the focus in the overnight session has traditionally been about two things, namely oil and China, today one can also throw in AAPL which is down 4% in the pre-market after its disappointing earnings yesterday in which it confirmed our channel-checked warnings about China from last summer, and the Fed which is set to release the January FOMC statement this afternoon.

Final Days Of Europe’s Passport-free Schengen Scheme, Austria Say

Europe’s passport-free travel system in the Schengen area is about to collapse, according to Austrian Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner.  Mikl-Leitner told EU interior ministers that she thinks the temporary national border controls in the Schengen zone are likely to become permanent as a result of the migrant crisis currently engulfing Europe. reports: In a bid to curb the influx of asylum seekers, several EU states, including Germany and Austria, have introduced a border checking system due to expire in May.
