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Dutch Leader Says Europe Will Collapse In Six Weeks

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte told the World Economic Forum in Davos that Europe has between six to eight weeks before it collapses due to the influx of refugees arriving from the Middle East.  Rutte warned that unless the EU gets a grip on the migrant crisis, the entire bloc will break up. reports: Meanwhile French prime minister Manuel Valls admitted the EU “could very well break up in a very short time”. He warned the ongoing refugee crisis across Europe and the threat of Islamic State (ISIS) terrorism could spell the end of the political union on the continent.

Putin Is Winning The Geopolitical Chess Match Against Obama

The organized nature of the migrants currently flooding Europe en masse could be an undercover operation designed to create a new mission for NATO, whilst at the same time weakening the economy of Europe to further Washington’s economic interests today in the Obama Crash of 2016. The globe is facing a huge depression and politicians are desperate to do whatever is necessary to further the agenda of their country. How have the geopolitical ‘chess matches’ between Putin and Obama turned out so far?

Is The Spectre Of Trump Haunting Davos?

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

The lights are burning late in Davos tonight.

At the World Economic Forum, keynoter Joe Biden warned global elites that the unraveling of the middle class in America and Europe has provided “fertile terrain for reactionary politicians, demagogues peddling xenophobia, anti-immigration, nationalist, isolationist views.”

Evidence of a nationalist backlash, said Biden, may be seen in the third parties arising across Europe, and in the U.S. primaries.

Global Stocks Surge, Oil Soars As Hopes For Central Bank Stimulus Return

Global Stocks Surge, Oil Soars As Hopes For Central Bank Stimulus Return

In retrospect it appears Tom DeMark was spot on with his Wednesday prediction, made just as the Dow Jones was down some 500 points that that very day was "an interim low" to be followed by a 5-8% rebound (at which point the selling would resume). In fact, those trading Japanese stocks saw virtually the entire predicted rebound take place in just one day as the Nikkei soared by almost 6% overnight, or nearly 1000 points, the biggest jump in 4 months, while risk everywhere else around the globe has likewise exploded higher, as crude has stormed back over $31/barrel.

Davos Man Meets Donald Trump

The lights are burning late in Davos tonight.

At the World Economic Forum, keynoter Joe Biden warned global elites that the unraveling of the middle class in America and Europe has provided “fertile terrain for reactionary politicians, demagogues peddling xenophobia, anti-immigration, nationalist, isolationist views.”

Evidence of a nationalist backlash, said Biden, may be seen in the third parties arising across Europe, and in the U.S. primaries. But set aside Joe’s slurs—demagogues, xenophobia.
