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The Carnage Returns: Stocks Tumble After Sharp Chinese Devaluation; Brent At 2004 Lows; Gold Surges

On the first trading day of the year, stocks crashed after China shocked the world with a circuit-breaking market slide that was not contained by the government. On the second trading day, after the Chinese government intervened drastically, global equities stabilized if just barely.

Oil Tumbles After Saudis Slash Prices To Europe

"The Saudis are preparing for Iran’s return," said Mohamed Sadegh Memarian, who recently retired as the head of petroleum market analysis at Iran’s oil ministry, as they sharply cut the prices they charge for crude oil in Europe (to the biggest discount since Feb 2009). The move that will likely undercut Iran happens as sectarian tensions escalate between the rival Middle Eastern nations.

Stocks Resume Rout After Massive Chinese Intervention Fails To Lift Shanghai, Calm Traders

After yesterday's historic -6.9% rout in the Shanghai Composite, which saw the first new marketwide circuit breaker trading halt applied to Chinese stocks (on its first day of operation), many were wondering if the Chinese government would intervene in both the once again imploding stock market, as well as China's plunging and rapidly devaluing currency.

Happy New Year: Global Stocks Crash After China Is Halted Limit Down In Worst Start To Year In History

It all started off relatively well: oil and US equity futures were buoyant on hopes Iran and Saudi Arabia would break out in a bloody conflict any minute boosting the net worth of shareholders of the military industrial complex, and then, out of nowhere, like a depressed China in a bull shop, the "mainland" crashed the party following a terrible manufacturing PMI report, which sent Chinese stocks sliding slowly at first, then very fast.


Paris Attacker Is Planning UK New Year Bomb Massacre, Police Say

British authorities are on high alert today over fears that the Paris attacker, Salah Abdeslam, will bomb London during the New Year celebrations.  The ISIS militant, currently on the run, is suspected to be hiding out in Europe with an accomplice after fleeing Morocco after last month’s massacre. reports: Capitals across the continent are braced for an outrage amid concerns Abdeslam, 26, is crossing borders on a false passport. A French judicial source probing the Paris attacks told The Sun: “Abdeslam could easily be back in France.
