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The Empire Should Be Placed On Suicide Watch

Via The Saker,

In all the political drama taking place in the USA as a result of the attempted color revolution against Trump, the bigger picture sometimes gets forgotten. And yet, this bigger picture is quite amazing, because if we look at it we will see irrefutable signs that the Empire in engaged in some bizarre slow motion of seppuku and the only mystery left is who, or what, will serve as the Empire’s kaishakunin (assuming there will be one).

US Air Force Unveils Combat 'Laser Guns' On AC-130 Gunships

US Air Force Unveils Combat 'Laser Guns' On AC-130 Gunships

Just day after we highlighted "Silent Hunter" - China's new vehicle-slicing laser gun - it appears the US military is stepping up the propaganda on its own 'hi-tech weaponry'. Air Force Special Operations Command plans to install and test combat lasers on AC-130 gunships within a year.

The Pentagon has been experimenting with laser weapons for decades. In 2009, the Advanced Tactical Laser — fired from a C-130 — burned a hole in the hood of a truck.

Trump Set To Approve Weapons Sales To Saudi Arabia, Bahrain Blocked By Obama

There was cheering among the libertarian community when, in the last months of his administration, Barack Obama decided to halt some arms sales to Saudi Arabia, following "allegations" of war crimes perpetrated by the kingdom in Yemen. However, it appears that Saudi Arabia - despite its clear predisposition toward Hillary Clinton in the presidential race - has made even deeper inroads into the White House than many suspected because according to the Washington Times, the Trump Administration is poised to "quickly approve" not only the deal rejected by Obama.
