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US Deploys Special Forces "Decapitation" Team To South Korea

US Deploys Special Forces "Decapitation" Team To South Korea

Today, the South Korean and U.S. navies kicked off massive combined drills off the coast of the Korean peninsula amid heightened tensions, a training exercise which North Korea has warned may prompt another ballistic missile launch potentially to coincide with the launch of the Chinese 19th Party Congress on October 18. The two allies plan to continue the Maritime Counter Special Operations Exercise (MCSOFEX) through Friday in the East Sea and the Yellow Sea.

The Common Sense Way To Get Rid Of Kim Jong-Un

The Common Sense Way To Get Rid Of Kim Jong-Un

By Chris at

That will never happen!

Much to the consternation of the little men in that incestuous, insular, politically inbred, inward looking place called Washington DC, young Kim is firing rockets into the air to much fanfare in his desperately poor paradise.

This week, the UN security council unanimously approved sanctions against the naughty boy north of Seoul. Stupid, stupid (which I'll come to in a moment)!

Turkish Passenger On American Airlines Flight Subdued After Trying To Breach Cockpit

Turkish Passenger On American Airlines Flight Subdued After Trying To Breach Cockpit

An American Airlines crew and off-duty Honolulu police officer subdued a man Friday on board a Honolulu-bound flight after he tried to break into the cockpit, ABC and local news report. The flight, which took off from Los Angeles, landed safely about 11:35 a.m. with a military escort. Bloomberg adds that a laptop computer was placed near the cockpit door.

Russian Nuclear-Capable Bombers Fly Within 36 Miles Of Alaska For Second Day In A Row

Russian Nuclear-Capable Bombers Fly Within 36 Miles Of Alaska For Second Day In A Row

Yesterday we reported that the U.S. Air Force scrambled two F-22 stealth fighters on Monday night to intercept a pair of Russian nuclear-capable bombers which came as close as 100 miles from Alaska's Kodiak Island, Fox reports. This was the first time since President Trump took office that Moscow has sent bombers so close to the U.S.  The two Russian Tu-95 “Bear” tactical bombers flew roughly 280 miles southwest of Elmendorf Air Force Base, within the Air Defense Identification Zone of the United States. The U.S.
