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Fort Lauderdale Gunman Was Recruited By CIA To Join ISIS

Fort Lauderdale gunman Esteban Santiago has revealed that the CIA had recruited him prior to the attacks and urged him to join ISIS.  The 26-year-old veteran also claims the CIA made him hear voices in order to attempt to control his mind – all part of a bigger plot to force him to join the terror organisation. reports: A law enforcement official says he told the FBI that the government was controlling his mind and was forcing him to watch ISIS videos. Santiago appeared incoherent at times, a source told ABC News.

Airport Shooter Said He Was "Mind Controlled" By A U.S. Intelligence Agency

Submitted by Shepard Ambellas of Intellihub

Airport shooter admits he was ‘mind controlled’ by intelligence agency, eyewitness claims there were at least three other “sleepers,” shooters, with high-powered rifles shooting into crowd

Eyewitness: “There was like at least three people in there still shooting” after the first guy was caught

Fort Lauderdale Airport Gunman Says Government Controlled His Mind

An Iraq war veteran is accused of killing five people at an airport in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Friday. Esteban Santiago 26 was taken into custody immediately following the shooting, questioned at length and was expected to face federal charges in the shooting rampage, said George Piro, a special agent in charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s office in Miami. Authorities said Santiago had suffered from psychological problems and had complained that the US government was controlling his mind.