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The End Of Europe As We Know It?

Submitted by Dan Steinbock via The Difference Group,

As the Eurozone is amid secular stagnation, its old fiscal, monetary and banking challenges are escalating, along with new threats, including the Brexit, demise of Schengen, anti-EU opposition and geopolitical friction. According to Dan Steinbock, Brussels can no longer avoid hard political decisions for or against an integrated Europe, with or without the euro.

New ‘High Level’ Terror Plot Foiled In France

Police in France have arrested a suspected militant linked to a terrorist cell that was planning a new ‘high level’ attack on French soil, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve reported. The minister said that security services managed to “foil a plot in France that was at an advanced stage” Security forces locked down the area during a major raid in Argenteuil near to Paris. The Guardian reports: Police carried out raids in the Argenteuil suburb of Paris following the arrest of the man at 5.30pm on Thursday who was believed to be planning a terrorist attack.

Misplaced Confidence In The ECB - Lessons From John Law's Mississippi Bubble

Submitted by Alasdair Macleod via,

Last week, the ECB extended its monetary madness, pushing deposit rates further into negative figures.

It is extending quantitative easing from sovereign debt into non-financial investment grade bonds, while increasing the pace of acquisition to €80bn per month. The ECB also promised to pay the banks to take credit from it in "targeted longer-term refinancing operations".

France Arrest Woman For Wearing T-shirt Criticising Israel

France have intensified its war on free speech this week by arresting a woman for wearing a T-shirt that criticised Israel by promoting the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement in support of Palestine.  The woman was taking part in a march for International Women’s Day in Paris on Sunday, when undercover police grabbed her and detained her for wearing the ‘illegal’ t-shirt that had the words “Boycott Apartheid Israel” printed on it. The arrest confirms that France will no longer tolerate t-shirts it deems to be offensive, marching the once great nation towards all-out tyranny.
