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Hillary Reeling As Sanders Makes It Seven In A Row - Wins Wyoming Caucus

Hillary Reeling As Sanders Makes It Seven In A Row - Wins Wyoming Caucus

Bernie Sanders wins Wyoming Democratic caucus, defeating Hillary Clinton, according to AP, extending his win-streak to seven states in a row. This brings the delegate count to Hillary 1292 vs Bernie's 1044 excluding super-delegates, which as we noted here, are far from a "lock" for Clinton if the Bernie Bus continues to show this kind of momentum.

Seven In A Row for Bernie - Idaho, Utah, Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Wisconsin, and now Wyoming.


Mrs Cameron’s £53K- A-Year ‘Fashion Adviser’ Funded By Taxpayer

As the British prime minister faces calls to resign, it turns out he isn’t the only member of the Cameron family under scrutiny. It has emerged that his wife Samantha Cameron’s ‘special adviser’ Rosie Lyburn is being paid £53,000 a year from the austerity-hit public purse to help organise her wardrobe and social life. The Independent reports: The aide – normally a position for people who help Government ministers – receives up to £53,000 for advising the prime minister’s 44-year-old wife, according to the Mail Online.

Hillary Clinton's "Insurmountable" Lead Is Fuzzy Math

Authored by Darrel Delamaide via,

The mainstream media is misleading the public by adopting a “fuzzy math” in treating the delegate counts for the Democratic nominating convention as carved in stone.

Given its bias against Donald Trump, the media are happy to parrot the Republican establishment’s prediction that their convention in Cleveland will be an “open convention” — that is, open to manipulation by the apparatchiks and the rules they set.

Let My People Go: How Trump And Cruz Could 'Deliver' The GOP

Submitted by Mark Hanna via,

“I am more and more convinced that our campaign is going to earn the 1,237 delegates needed to win,” said Cruz after winning by a landslide in Wisconsin. But what he didn’t say is that to do that before the nominating convention, he has to amass nearly 82% of all remaining delegates -- a virtual impossibility.
