Trump Explains His 'Women Problems': "I Never Knew I Was Going To Run For President"
To let CNN tell it, Donald Trump has women problems.
And we don’t mean in the sense that he has trouble finding an attractive dinner date:
To let CNN tell it, Donald Trump has women problems.
And we don’t mean in the sense that he has trouble finding an attractive dinner date:
Deutsche Bank may have gotten the corporate bond QE from the ECB that it so desired (even if it means another drop in negative rates) even if that did not help its stock rebound anywhere near to pre-crash levels, and its economist department may be gripped by a bout of raging schizhophrenia as erstwile permabull Joa LaVorgna is now one of the market's bigger bears contrasted with super optimistic DB strategist Torsten Slok (who is seemingly unaware of what his year end bonus was) but that doesn't prevent the bank from having a very outlook of where the market will be come the November gener
Bernie Sanders has won five of the last six Democratic presidential contests and after last nights overwhelming defeat of his rival, is now preparing to follow through with a knock-down punch at a showdown in Hillary Clinton’s home state. Everyone is getting to #feelthebern, including Hillary Clinton, from an energized revolutionary who has started a political revolution across America, a land that he believes belongs to the people and not some entity, corporate or otherwise.
Earlier in the campaign, I would have disagreed with Daniel Larison that Donald Trump would be a disastrous general election candidate. (I would have agreed that he would be a disastrous president, but that’s another matter.)
Last July I wrote that Donald Trump was merely a “blip,” a novelty candidate who couldn’t do much better than 17 percent in the polls. He would swiftly go the way of Herman Cain.
In August, I still didn’t believe the Trump hype. The 2016 race, I predicted, would see an early surge for a religious right candidate, followed by the inevitable nomination of the establishment favorite, probably Jeb Bush. After the Iowa caucuses, I was sure my scenario was playing out, only with Rubio in place Bush.