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Ben Carson To Endorse Donald Trump On Friday Morning

Ben Carson To Endorse Donald Trump On Friday Morning

If there was still any doubt whether the Trump juggernaut can be stopped before, if not so much after the Michigan primary earlier this week, it can be laid to rest now because shortly after Trump received the endorsement of Chris Christie, the real estate mogul has now secured his second highest profile backing, that of Ben Carson who according to the Washington Post will endorse Trump officially on Friday morning.

Missing Clinton E-Mail Claims Saudis Financed Benghazi Attacks

Missing Clinton E-Mail Claims Saudis Financed Benghazi Attacks

Submitted by William Reynolds via,

Something that has gone unnoticed in all the talk about the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mails is the content of the original leak that started the entire investigation to begin with. In March of 2013, a Romanian hacker calling himself Guccifer hacked into the AOL account of Sidney Blumenthal and leaked to Russia Today four e-mails containing intelligence on Libya that Blumenthal sent to Hillary Clinton.
