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general election

Trump Gains Yuuge Lead At Bookies; Everything Establishment Knew About Politics "Is Out Of The Window"

Trump Gains Yuuge Lead At Bookies; Everything Establishment Knew About Politics "Is Out Of The Window"

"It's time to say no to professional politicians and yes to someone who has created jobs and grown a business," says Chris Collins, a Republican congressman from Trump's home state of New York, but he is among a quiet few among the entrenched establishment that is "confused and cowed" as The Donald soars to a massive lead at the bookies.

Rubio Is No Kutuzov

As you might imagine, I’m delighted by any historical comparison that involves Marshall Kutuzov, and so I smiled to read Ross Douthat’s latest column, wondering whether Marco Rubio might be taking lessons from the Russian commander:

[W]hat is Rubio waiting for? What is his campaign thinking?
