Has Venezuela's Crisis Reached A Tipping Point?
Authored by William Burke-White and Dorothy Kronick via Knowledge@Wharton,
Authored by William Burke-White and Dorothy Kronick via Knowledge@Wharton,
Venezuela's ongoing protests against the Maduro regime took tragic turn when at least 12 people were killed overnight during looting and violence in Venezuela's capital. Most of the deaths took place in El Valle, a working class neighborhood near Caracas' biggest military base where opposition leaders say a group of people were hit with an electrical current while looting and trying to steal a refrigerator from a bakery.
Authored by Danielle DiMartino Booth,
Quizzically-inclined quantum physicists quench their intellectuality by quoting philosophers first, then their fellow scientists.
It is in fact questionable whether quantum physics would have come into being if not for George Berkeley’s 1710, “A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge.” Berkeley’s most famous saying is, ‘esse est percipi,’ or, ‘to be is to be perceived.’ He elaborated using the following examples:
Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk.com,
At the top of the list of absurd Brexit advice is the notion that a bad deal is better than no deal.
But that’s what Andrew Duff at the European Policy Center says.
Drop the Clichés
Authored by Vijeta Uniyal,