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Georgia Accuses Homeland Security Of Attempting To Hack State's Election Database

Georgia Accuses Homeland Security Of Attempting To Hack State's Election Database

Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp is anxiously wondering, as are we, why someone with a Department Of Homeland Security IP address would try to hack into his State's voter registration database.  Even though DHS offered cyber security help to states prior to the election, the Wall Street Journal notes that Georgia was one of the states that specifically denied assistance.

Meet The "Gardening Blogger" Who May Have Overcharged Americans Billions For Supermarket Chicken

Meet The "Gardening Blogger" Who May Have Overcharged Americans Billions For Supermarket Chicken

Billions of dollars worth of chicken are sold in the United States each year through various supermarket chains.  Given the shear volume of chicken sales, most Americans simply take for granted that the prices are set based a transparent, competitive marketplace of buyers and sellers.  Certainly, before now, not many would have guessed that their grocery bills for poultry were being determined by a single, self-described "gardening blogger" from the Georgia Department of Agriculture.  Unfortunately, it's looking increasingly like that is exactly what happened and it likely

Is the state of Georgia the most corrupt state in the corrupt country or merely representative?

Is the state of Georgia the most corrupt state in the corrupt country or merely representative?

The post Is the state of Georgia the most corrupt state in the corrupt country or merely representative? appeared first on

Man On Death Row Executed Despite Juror Bias

A black inmate on death row in Georgia was executed on Tuesday despite one of the jurors at his trial admitting racial bias. The Independent reports: Kenneth Fults was given a lethal injection of pentobarbital on Tuesday at a state prison in Jackson, Georgia. The 47-year-old pleaded guilty to shooting 19-year-old Cathy Bounds during a burglary in 1996 and was sentenced to death by a jury in 1997. In 2005, eight years after Fults’ sentencing, one of the jurors signed a sworn statement saying: “I don’t know if he ever killed anybody, but that n***** got just what should have happened.
