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Monsanto Sues California Over Claims That Roundup Causes Cancer

Monsanto has filed a lawsuit against the State of California in a desperate attempt to hide the fact that their chemical herbicide Roundup causes cancer.  Monsanto is complaining that California’s demand that they list glyphosate, the main chemical used in Roundup, as a possible “carcinogen” on its labelling will put people off from buying it.

Cancer Rates Soar To Scary Levels Near New York Nuclear Power Plant

Authorities near the Indian Point nuclear power plant have said that cancer rates in the surrounding areas have soared to disturbing levels.  Vicki Fox, teacher of social studies at Lakeland Copper Beech Middle School close to the nuclear plant, revealed she has seen a rise in thyroid cancers among pupils and staff: “My name is Vicki Fox, I’m a middle school teacher at a school that is just a few miles from Indian Point… I really can’t tell you how many teachers and students I’ve met there over the years who are survivors of cancer — specifically thyroid cancer.

Rebranded: Aspartame Renamed As ‘AminoSweet’

Aspartame have changed the brand name of their artificial sugar to ‘AminoSweet’ in an attempt to distance themselves from the bad publicity associated with the sweetener.  Aspartame was originally discovered by chemist James Schlatter who intended to sell it as an anti-ulcer drug. He realised that when he mixed amino acids aspartic acid and phenylalanine a sweet taste formed. From that moment Aspartame was born. reports: Anya V report, The Health Freedom Alliance noted that G.D.

Top Heart Surgeon Reveals The Real Cause Of Heart Disease

A top U.S. heart surgeon has revealed that the real cause of heart disease is not what doctors have been telling you. Dr. Dwight Lundell is a former Chief of Staff and Chief of Surgery at Banner Heart Hospital in Arizona. After performing 5,000 open-heart surgeries through the course of his 25-year career he discovered that the conventional treatments offered to patients were both ineffective and potentially dangerous: We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is.
