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Rebranded: Aspartame Renamed As ‘AminoSweet’

Aspartame have changed the brand name of their artificial sugar to ‘AminoSweet’ in an attempt to distance themselves from the bad publicity associated with the sweetener.  Aspartame was originally discovered by chemist James Schlatter who intended to sell it as an anti-ulcer drug. He realised that when he mixed amino acids aspartic acid and phenylalanine a sweet taste formed. From that moment Aspartame was born. reports: Anya V report, The Health Freedom Alliance noted that G.D. Searle & Company sought out to gain approval for the FDA in 1973, but through inadequate and deceiving safety studies they pushed for FDA approval. In 1974 with a blaze of controversy, the company convinced the FDA to approved aspartame for commercial use. In 1981, in the most highly debated decision, the artificial sweetener gained FDA approval. And since then, they have been silently hurting people and major illnesses in the body were formed. The ingredients in aspartame are: Aspartic Acid Phenylalanine Methanol All ingredients which cause severe damage and tricks the brain that it is a good substance. Some of the diseases according to Anya V from Living Traditionally are: Headaches Memory Loss Seizures Vision Loss Coma ADD Lupus Fibromyalgia Muscular Dystrophy Alzheimers [...]