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Male, Female, Or 'Nonbinary': California Set To Be First State To Add "Gender X" Designation To Licenses

Male, Female, Or 'Nonbinary': California Set To Be First State To Add "Gender X" Designation To Licenses

Up until now, state issued identification cards around the country have limited gender designations to 'male' and 'female' because, well, biological science has historically taught us that those were the only two options.  But that hateful and narrowed-minded micro-aggression perpetrated by our genetic code will no longer be tolerated in the state of California, whether it's a scientifically proven fact or not. 

Fidelity Says Baby Boomers Haven't Even Saved Enough To Cover Their Healthcare In Retirement

Fidelity Says Baby Boomers Haven't Even Saved Enough To Cover Their Healthcare In Retirement

While statistics are somewhat sketchy on the topic, most research suggests that the average retirement-age household has managed to set aside roughly $200,000-$250,000 for their golden years.  Unfortunately, they'll need more than that just to cover their healthcare costs.  Per Bloomberg notes today, the average 65-year-old couple will need roughly $275,000 to cover their healthcare costs during retirement...and that's with Medicare.
