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Journalists Drink Too Much, Are Dumber Than Average, Study Finds

Journalists Drink Too Much, Are Dumber Than Average, Study Finds

A recent scientific study just proved something that viewers of CNN have probably suspected for years: Journalists' brains function at a lower level than the rest of the population. 

A study conducted by neuroscientist Tara Swift and the London Press Club determined that "the highest functions of journalists brains were operating at a lower level than the average population, due to dehydration, self-medicating, and fueling their brains with caffeine and high-sugar foods"

Seattle Set To Become First City To Offer "Safe Spaces" For Heroin Use

Seattle Set To Become First City To Offer "Safe Spaces" For Heroin Use

Modeled after similar programs in Europe, Australia and Canada, Seattle is on track to become the first city in the United States where heroin addicts can legally shoot up at a supervised healthcare facility.  The controversial program is intended to reduce the number of overdose deaths by bringing users out of the alleys and into "safe places" where overdoses can be treated immediately, all at taxpayer expense, of course.  This new concept goes one step beyond needle exchange programs that exist in other cities intended to decrease the spread of disease through dirty needles.


Hospitals Across England Go Dark After Massive "Cyber-Attack"; Hackers Demand Ransom

Hospitals Across England Go Dark After Massive "Cyber-Attack"; Hackers Demand Ransom

Hosptials across the UK have been hit by what appears to be a major, nationwide cyber-attack, resulting in the loss of phonelines and computers, with many hospitals going "dark" and some diverting all but emergency patients elsewhere. At some hospitals patients are being told not to come to A&E with all non-urgent operations cancelled, the BBC reports.

'Resist 45' Activist Gets $45,000 Taxpayer Grant To Study 'Transgender Health'

'Resist 45' Activist Gets $45,000 Taxpayer Grant To Study 'Transgender Health'

The National Institute of Health (NIH), in its infinite wisdom, has just awarded nearly $45,000 to a post-doctoral student at Duke University, and unabashed "Resist 45" activist, for the specific purpose of studying 'transgender health.'  According to the NIH website, the project got underway on May 1st and is expected to continue through August which point we're almost certain more taxpayer money will be thrown at worthy follow-up projects.

