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"Hanging In The Balance" - A Look Inside The War To Repeal Obamacare

A few weeks ago we noted that none other than John Boehner, the former Republican Speaker of the House, scoffed at the idea of repealing and replacing Obamacare as he essentially predicted that Republicans would become their own worst enemy (see "Boehner: Full Repeal And Replace Of Obamacare 'Is Not Going To Happen'"):

“[Congressional Republicans are] going to fix Obamacare – I shouldn’t call it repeal-and-replace, because it’s not going to happen,” he said.


“I started laughing,” he said. “Republicans never ever agree on health care.”

Biotech Company Given Green Light To Resurrect The Dead

Biotech Company Given Green Light To Resurrect The Dead

Scientists in the United States have been given the go-ahead to legally resurrect 20 brain-dead patients using advanced stem cell technology.  Participants will have been certified dead and will kept alive via life support, whilst being monitored for several months. Biotech company Bioquark has been tasked with stimulating and regrowing neurons in order to bring the patients back from the dead.

Canadian Doctors Record First Ever Proof Of Life After Death

Canadian Doctors Record First Ever Proof Of Life After Death

Doctors in Canada have recorded the first ever scientific proof of life after death, claiming that people’s brains continue functioning after they are pronounced clinically dead.  Researchers from the University of Western Ontario had been monitoring the brain activity and heart beatings of four people who were in intensive care, after their life support machines were turned off. According to doctors in a Canadian intense care unit, one patient continued showing persistent brain activity for ten minutes after their heart had stopped.

Chaffetz To 'Self-Reliant' Americans: Time To "Choose Between iPhone And Healthcare"

Sometimes the truth is hard to hear, like "Trump wins" and "Obamacare is failing." It appears, as a pleasant change, Republican congressman Jason Chaffetz dropped an uncomfortable truth bomb on the American people this morning - so used to getting everything they want (as a right) and never having to 'pay' for it - when he told CNN's "New Day" this morning that:

CDC Admit Vaccines Contain ‘Aborted Human Fetus Cells’

CDC Admit Vaccines Contain ‘Aborted Human Fetus Cells’

Vaccines currently in use in the United States contain ingredients including “human fetus cells lines” and “African Green Monkey kidney pus cells” harvested from diseased primates, according to a bombshell document published by the CDC. In a PDF on the CDC website titled “Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary,” the CDC lists all the excipients (often referred to as bulking agents or fillers) being used in vaccines that are currently being injected into adults and children across the country.
