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World’s Fist Pig Human Created In Lab

The world’s first pig human hybrid has been created in a laboratory at the Salk Institute in the United States.  Scientists say that this is the first ever successful human-animal hybrid experiment, proving that human cells can thrive inside of an animal host reports: This biomedical advance has long been a dream and a quandary for scientists hoping to address a critical shortage of donor organs. Every ten minutes, a person is added to the national waiting list for organ transplants. And every day, 22 people on that list die without the organ they need.

Study: Shingles Vaccine Spreads Chicken Pox

A study has revealed that the shingles vaccine increases the risk of other people around the vaccinated person getting chicken pox.  Shingles, also known as “zoster”, affects 1 out of every 3 American adults, with one million cases of shingles recorded each year in the U.S. alone. According to research published by The Journal of Infectious Diseases, the vaccine to combat shingles may actually be contributing to its spread. reports: The elite research team was comprised of members from NASA’s Lyndon B.

Trump Orders FBI To Raid CDC Over ‘Vaccine-Autism Cover-Up’

On Monday morning President Trump ordered the FBI to raid the CDC headquarters in Atlanta over claims that the agency were covering-up a link between vaccines and autism. Just hours after Trump’s positive meeting with FBI Director James Comey, agents performed a 3am raid at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention building, accompanied by Doctor William Thompson – a government whistleblower who rose to fame after exposing the CDC’s systematic cover-up of the link between vaccinations and autism.
