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Trump Kicks Presstitutes’ Teeth Down Their Lying Throats

Trump Kicks Presstitutes’ Teeth Down Their Lying Throats

And Presstitute David Remnick in true presstitute fashion tries to turn it against Trump.
Only Trump sins, never the presstitutes. It is OK for the presstitutes to lie, but not OK
to hold the media accountable.

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Paid To Wait? Eli Lilly Crashes To 2 Year Lows, Erases 6 Years Of Dividends After Failed Drug Test

Paid To Wait? Eli Lilly Crashes To 2 Year Lows, Erases 6 Years Of Dividends After Failed Drug Test

Following news that its Alzheimer's drug has failed final stage trials, Eli Lilly stock is crashing this morning to 2 year lows. The 'safe haven', 'paid-to-wait' stock has tumbled almost 15% - erasing over 6 years of dividends, and sparking contagious selling across Biotech stocks.

A Highly Respected Medical Journal Just Declared 'The War On Drugs' An Epic Failure

Submitted by Carey Wedler via,

“The war on drugs has failed,” the editors of the peer-reviewed British Medical Journal declared this week, arguing that doctors should lead the global effort to reform drug policy.

Fiona Godlee, the journal’s editor-in-chief, and Richard Hurley, its features and debates editor, penned an analysis citing academic and scientific reports to argue global policies on drug use — including the United Nations’ — have fallen drastically short.

Drinking Too Much Coffee ‘Shrinks Women’s Breasts’

Drinking three or more cups of coffee per day will shrink a woman’s breasts, according to the results of a Swedish study. Too much caffeine can affect the hormones in women’s bodies, scientists believe, playing havoc with their bust size. The more coffee the women drank, the smaller their breasts, the researchers also found. The Telegraph reports: Almost 300 women took part in the study, which questioned them on how many cups of coffee they drank in an average day and measured the size of their bust.

Americans Have Never Been Fatter - And It's Getting Worse

Americans Have Never Been Fatter - And It's Getting Worse

Two recent reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that efforts to encourage Americans to lose weight aren't working.

In one study of more than 5,400 adults, the results show that 33% of US adults are overweight, and 38% of US adults are obese. Breaking the data down a bit further, the report writes that "the age-adjusted prevalence of obesity in 2013-2014 was 35% among men, and 40.4% among women." Additionally, more than 5% of men and nearly 10% of women came in morbidly obese.
