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Drinking Too Much Coffee ‘Shrinks Women’s Breasts’

Drinking three or more cups of coffee per day will shrink a woman’s breasts, according to the results of a Swedish study. Too much caffeine can affect the hormones in women’s bodies, scientists believe, playing havoc with their bust size. The more coffee the women drank, the smaller their breasts, the researchers also found. The Telegraph reports: Almost 300 women took part in the study, which questioned them on how many cups of coffee they drank in an average day and measured the size of their bust. According to the results, published in the British Journal of Cancer, drinking three or more cups a day was enough to cause a smaller breast size. The effects of the stimulant rose for every cup drunk. Around half of the women in the study carried a gene mutation which appeared to link coffee intake and breast volume, according to the findings. “Drinking coffee can have a major effect on breast size,” said Helena Jernstrom, from Lund University in Sweden, who led the study. “Coffee-drinking women do not have to worry their breasts will shrink to nothing overnight. They will get smaller, but the breasts aren’t just going to disappear.” She added: “However, anyone who thinks they can [...]

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