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FDA Bans Sale Of E-cigarettes To Minors

For the first time e-cigarettes are to be regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration. The sale of electronic cigarettes and cigars will be prohibited to under 18s. RT reports: Under the new regulations, businesses will not be allowed to sell e-cigarettes, cigars, hookah tobacco, and other tobacco products to people under 18 years of age, nor will they be allowed to hand out free samples of these products. E-cigarettes and others will also be prohibited from being sold in vending machines, except in adult-only locations.

Experiment Will See Clinically Dead Humans Brought Back To Life

The US have granted a biotech company permission to regenerate the brains of dead people, in a groundbreaking new trial set to begin this year.  Bioquark Inc. are looking for 20 patients who have been declared clinically dead from a traumatic brain injury, in order to test whether they can successfully regenerate parts of their central nervous system – thus bringing them back to life. reports: The trial participants will have been certified dead and only kept alive through life support.

Google Develops Electronic Eye Implant

Internet giant Google has created an artificial lens for the eye. The development of the ‘intraocular device’ is the latest attempt by the tech giant to get inside people’s heads to improve their eyesight among other things. RT reports: The unnamed product is designed to improve ailing eyesight and is currently at the patent stage of development, so details are sketchy. However, the web giant appears to be working on new wearable – or should we say livable – tech that would see an electronic lens inserted into people’s eyeballs.

Why We're So Unhealthy

Why We're So Unhealthy

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via,

That America is in the throes of a systemic health crisis can no longer be denied. According to the U.S. Department of Health And Human Services, more than two-thirds (68.8 percent) of adults are overweight or obese.  (Overweight is typically defined as a body-mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher. A BMI of 24.9 is not exactly featherweight; I would have to add 30 pounds to reach a BMI of 24.9. )

Harvard Students With Mumps Were Already Vaccinated

Harvard University have admitted that a recent outbreak of mumps occurred in students who were already vaccinated against the disease.  The University have sent out an urgent appeal to students, asking them to take “better precautions against infecting each other with mumps”. Authorities at Harvard have admitted in a letter to students that being vaccinated against mumps does not give them immunity: [T]hose who have been vaccinated for mumps—though much less likely to contract the virus—can still be infected. reports: By the way, the letter – from Paul J.
