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Experiment Will See Clinically Dead Humans Brought Back To Life

The US have granted a biotech company permission to regenerate the brains of dead people, in a groundbreaking new trial set to begin this year.  Bioquark Inc. are looking for 20 patients who have been declared clinically dead from a traumatic brain injury, in order to test whether they can successfully regenerate parts of their central nervous system – thus bringing them back to life. reports: The trial participants will have been certified dead and only kept alive through life support. They will be monitored for several months using brain imaging equipment to look for signs of regeneration, particularly in the upper spinal cord – the lowest region of the brain stem which controls independent breathing and heartbeat. The team believes that the brain stem cells may be able to erase their history and re-start life again, based on their surrounding tissue – a process seen in the animal kingdom in creatures like salamanders who can regrow entire limbs. Dr Ira Pastor, the CEO of Bioquark Inc. said: “This represents the first trial of its kind and another step towards the eventual reversal of death in our lifetime. “We just received approval for our first 20 subjects and we hope to start recruiting patients [...]