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Why Don’t The Amish Get Cancer?

A recent study published in the journal Cancer Causes and Control has revealed that Amish people have virtually no cancer within their population, and are considered the most healthy people in America.  Researchers from Ohio State University originally launched a study on the Amish population to see whether rates of cancer would be higher due to their lack of conventional medical care. What they found, however, shocked them.

FDA Bombshell: Vaccines Cause Autism

The FDA have openly admitted for the first time that vaccines cause autism, in a revealing document on their website.  The document shows an insert sheet for the Tripedia vaccine, and explicitely states that the vaccine may cause “idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea“.

Designer Babies Could Remove The Need For Sex & End Genetic Diseases

Using skin cells parents may soon be able to choose their designer babies with agreeable traits and features. Within 20 years sex could just become a pastime as women use non-invasive medical procedures to choose their desirable baby with a fine tuned DNA free from genetic diseases, according to a Stanford geneticist. Daily Mail reports: An expert on the ethics of genetics at Stanford University has claimed humans may be on the cusp of a monumental change in the way we breed, using laboratories rather than the bedroom to create children.

Robert De Niro Forced To Pull Anti-vaccine Film From Festival

Robert De Niro has been forced to pull a controversial anti-vaccine film from the Tribeca Film Festival – following condemnation from Big Pharma groups. The long-anticipated documentary film VAXXED – From Cover-Up to Catastrophe was scheduled to be shown at the film festival following its censorship elsewhere due to its claim that vaccines cause autism. De Niro had originally defended his decision to screen the documentary, saying that as his own son has autism he felt it was vitally important that the issues surrounding vaccines and autism were openly discussed and examined.

Healthcare Is About To Surpass Housing As The Biggest Source Of American "Growth"

Healthcare Is About To Surpass Housing As The Biggest Source Of American "Growth"

Following yesterday's breakdown of 2015 GDP growth components, there was little surprise that the biggest source of "growth" for the US economy in the past year was healthcare growing at an absolute dollar pace nearly double that the second highest category (recreational vehicles of all things, because in the eyes of the BEA the US has gone on unprecedented Winnebago spending spree).
