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Robert De Niro Tells Press MMR Vaccine Made His Son Autistic

Robert De Niro has expressed sorrow for deciding to pull a controversial film confirming that the MMR vaccine causes autism – saying that his own son became autistic ‘overnight’ after receiving the vaccine from doctors.  The actor and creator of the Tribeca Film Festival came under fire last week after caving into pressure from Big Pharma and pulling Andrew Wakefield’s new film Vaxxed: From Cover-up To Catastrophe. reports: ‘All I wanted is for the movie to be seen and people can make up their own judgement but you must see it,’ he said during an appearance on The Today Show. ‘Let’s find out the truth, let’s just find out the truth.’ He added that he hadn’t yet ‘fully explored’ the fierce backlash against the documentary ‘and I will.’ De Niro, who has an 18-year-old Elliot son with autism, said he had hoped that screening the film could have started a ‘discussion’ about the alleged link between the vaccine and autism. ‘There’s a lot of things that are not said. Nobody seems to want to address that, or they say they’ve addressed it and it’s a closed issue. ‘But it doesn’t seem to be because there are many people who say they saw [...]