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Home Office

Iranian Attacks UK Home Office With 90 Eggs For Keeping Him In Limbo

An Iranian Kurdish man who pelted 90 eggs at the Home Office building in London after an unsuccessful asylum application has been ordered to pay a £405 cleaning bill. Asylum seeker Feridon Rostami, 32, also landed himself a criminal record after he was heard shouting “f***ing criminals,” at the Home Office for keeping him in limbo for 11 years. Rostami bought the eggs in Shepherd’s Bush, west London, at a cost of £7.29 before moving on to attack the building on Marsham Street, Westminster, as a show of defiance on February 2.

UK To Deport 92 Year Old Widow To South Africa

A Home Office decision to deport 92 year old widow has sparked public outcry. Myrtle Cothill is unable to care for herself and was hoping to stay in the UK with her daughter, but instead has been ordered to return to her native South Africa. Update: Following the massive public outcry Myrtle has won a “stay of execution” after the Home Office cancelled a planned deportation According to the Guardian, immigration enforcement officials had booked Cothill on a Virgin flight to Johannesburg on Tuesday night but rang her lawyers late on Friday to say her booking had been cancelled.

Press Release Urging Migrants To learn English Had Spelling Mistake

British Government officials spelt the word “language” wrong in an official press release announcing that new language tests are to be forced on immigrants. The ironic mistake comes as immigrant mothers are being threatened with deportation if they don’t improve their English language skills. On Friday, the Home Office published a press release which read “new English langauge test for family route migrants.” The Home Office promptly moved to rectify the error, but not before it caused a backlash online.